Products & Services
Let us help you save some money and make some money; in a simple, streamlined, and realistic way....
Life Insurance Brokering Service
Receive a comprehensive full market comparison analysis comparing all the life insurance companies to ensure you are getting the best dollar for dollar value for your current age and health. We just need your age, height/weight, resident state, and any medical conditions in the request, please, for best accuracy. As well as type of coverage, and the parameters you or a loved one are seeking.
Sales Training
One-on-one sales training and support; customized to your style and flow. Prices vary client to client depending on their needs and customized plan of action. $87-$7800.
Team or organizational sales consultations, systems development, and in-depth training presentations. Team sales training starts at $39,580 with Bryce's initial strategic sales development service.
Career Closer Resources
This is a limited time promotion for Career Closers. Career salesman and saleswomen that has been bogged down by one over promised under delivered opportunity after the next.
Is all that you have ever needed is the right opportunity to take you to the heights of your abilities, then wait no further. We are talking here about a sales role that provides the actual means to rapidly accomplish your financial and performance goals.
Well today is your lucky day. Thankfully Bryce Sheldon has been able to connect with many legitimate sales organizations seeking top producers and dedicated sales professionals truly looking for Career Closers. He has also amassed numerous resources, that Bryce in now for a limited time only releasing to dedicated sales professional for absolutely free, to get them the opportunity the without a doubt deserve.